Road Trip-Ready Service at Stokes Hodges Ford

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Road Trip-Ready Service
at Stokes Hodges Ford

Taking a road trip is an excellent way to explore the country and make unforgettable memories along the way. To ensure a safe and stress-free journey, however, it's important to have your vehicle thoroughly checked and prepared for the long drive ahead.

Our Ford dealer in Graniteville is here to assist you in getting your Ford Explorer or F-150 ready for your next adventure. The Stokes Hodges Ford auto service center is staffed with skilled technicians who will provide professional recommendations and services that can help prepare your car for any road trip.

Essential Things to Check on a Car Before Taking a Long Trip

There are multiple factors to consider when preparing your car for a long-distance journey. But don’t fret! Our Ford service experts can address all your automotive maintenance questions and concerns. They'll help make sure your Ford Escape or Mustang is ready to handle the miles ahead with a comprehensive multipoint inspection and by fixing any issues that may require attention.

Some important pre-trip checks to consider include:

  • Examining the lights, brakes, tires and other critical aspects of your vehicle
  • Evaluating your car's battery to ensure it's functioning at full capacity
  • Topping off all necessary fluids
  • Replacing filters as needed
  • Inspecting belts, hoses and other components for wear or damage